Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Week 1: Two Cultures

Though all parts of the society are grouped together in a perfectly functional way, no one can deny the separation of art and science. According to C.P.Snow, there is “a gulf of mutual incomprehension sometimes hostility and dislike, but most of all lack of understanding” (4, Snow) between the two cultures. Also, Vesna states, “there is still much work to be done in building the bridge between the humanities and the sciences”(122, Vesna). The separation of art and science can be easily proved by the separation of north and south campus of UCLA. As a student of economic major and statistics minor, I am used to walking between north and south campus every day. I can easily tell the difference of the two halves of campus from the ways a building was named to the outfits of both professors and students.

The north and south campus of UCLA are dominated by art and science major respectively.

Both Snow and Vesna account the separation to the education system, which shapes students into professionals of either art or science. An education system like that might be beneficial to the economy considering it produces parts that can function well when being put together. However, members of the economy are depraved of the environment that might make them the genius they should be.

The left and right brain represent logic and art respectively. Though considered separated, they are closely related to each other.

The lateralization of the two hemispheres of human brain is always considered as a proof of the separation of two cultures, but it actually proves the opposite, which is the existence of the third culture. Though it is broadly accepted that left and right brain are each responsible for logic and creativity, such belief is not supported by scientific facts. The two hemispheres are connected by corpus callosum, which enables them to exchange information. At the same time, structures that control logic can also be found in the right brain, and vise versa. Just like the two hemispheres of brain are closely connected, the two cultures are also inseparable.

Jeannie. Left Brain/Right Brain: Gorgeously Illustrated Mercedes Benz Ads. Jeannie, 2011.Web. 24 Jun 2014. http://www.jeanniejeannie.com/2011/02/left-brainright-brain-gorgeously-illustrated-mercedes-benz-ads/
Mohlman, Michael. South Campus. Michael Mohlman, 2013. Web. 24 Jun 2014. http://michaelmohlman.com/?p=156
Mohlman, Michael. North Campus. Michael Mohlman, 2013. Web. 24 Jun 2014. http://michaelmohlman.com/?p=160
Snow, C. P. “Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution.” Reading. 1959. New York: Cambridge UP, 1961. Print.
Vesna, Victoria. "Toward a Third Culture: Being In Between." Leonardo. 34 (2001): 121-125. Print.

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